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Google Chrome to stick ‘Not secure’ on pages with search fields
To help users browse the web safely, Chrome indicates connection security with an icon in the address bar. Historically, Chrome has not explicitly labelled HTTP connections as non-secure. Beginning in January 2017 (Chrome 56), we’ll mark HTTP pages that collect passwords or credit cards as non-secure, as part of a long-term plan to mark all […]
Outdated WordPress Software
Panama Papers Breach Attributed to Outdated Sites Just like the software on your PC, your Content Management Software (CMS) (or for most, your WordPress Software) for your website also needs to be kept up-to-date. Failing to keep the software up-to-date means that your website has the potential to be exploited. This could result in your data being […]
Ransomware Strikes Websites
Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system. This type of malware forces its victims to pay the ransom through certain online payment methods in order to grant access to their systems, or to get their data back. Some ransomware encrypts files (called Cryptolocker). Ransomware infections were first […]
Testimonials Are They Worth It?
We have it on very good authority that client testimonials increase your visitor’s trust. Whose authority I hear you say? Yoast, one of the most renowned Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) businesses. Yoast consults to some of the biggest brands on the planet, including Facebook, eBay, and the Guardian.
Email Scams Targeting Websites
CAUTION WEBSITE OWNERS We are often contacted by clients after they have received emails from random individuals or businesses claiming to have the expertise to improve the website’s “digital performance”, or improve the site’s ranking by providing a “website audit” or wanting to write “posts” and link to the site. Be very wary when approached […]
Your website Will be hacked
It is not IF you will be hacked, but When it will be hacked. Yes your website is vulnerable to being hack and destroyed! Are you worried if it is? I would be. WordPress security watchdogs, Sucuri, have revealed that “brute force” attacks are at an all time high. A brute force attack occurs when an […]
Phishing Emails
What is a phishing email? You may have received an email falsely claiming to be from the company or another known entity. This is called “phishing” because the sender is “fishing” for your personal data. The goal is to trick you into clicking through to a fake or “spoofed” website, or into calling a bogus […]
Email Scam From AFP
AFP Ransomeware is hitting people hard
Unfriendly Links In Emails
Block the bad guys. Prevent hackers, spies and thieves from gaining access to sensitive information.
Mobile Friendly Website
Recently in early 2015 Google came out and said that if your Website is not Mobile Friendly then you will be de-listed from the Google listings. Then they changed that and said you will be moved down the list. This means if you are moved down the search listing, there is a high chance no […]
Is Your Web Site Slow
High Speed WordPress Your Hosting company is one of the most important factors for a WordPress website. Your host affects the speed, the seo ranking, and reliability of your WordPress website.Listed below in this easy to follow guide we’re going to show you a few online tools you can use to test your current Hosting […]
Red X showing instead of pictures on emails
Have you set up an email to be sent to you from your site, image included, and then found the computer you are getting your email to shows a Red X where the picture should be? Microsoft Outlook is configured by default to block automatic picture downloads from the Internet. Some advantages of blocking automatic […]
Why you need a website
If you have a website, it is like opening the doors of your business and inviting your customers in. Having your own website, will allow your customers to find you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. So while you are sleeping those wee hours away, your website is still […]
Why is a website so important?
During the past 10 years, having a strong online web presence has evolved from being a great marketing tool to a make-or-break business must-have. Now, if you don’t have a website, you run the risk of not only not reaching potential customers through social media, search engines and directory listings, but of alienating your current […]